My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Let's Clarify... I am not a literalist

When I posted "I Accept the Challenge", I was in no way proposing a duel between myself and a Higher Power, I wasn't even aware that God was reading my blog! I was merely trying to be somewhat witty, which I now apologize for profusely. Apparently God has a sense of humor as well, and laughed as he read my post. "A challenge, you say, apparently you haven't read Job." So, in addition to the challenge of packing, let me recap some of the other obstacles that had to be overcome for a holiday weekend getaway with the Keiths

1. Chad was not able to take off of work as anticipated on Friday. So all of the last minute preparations that I planned on cramming in between the hours of noon, when he was supposed to get off, and 4:00, when we were supposed to leave, were ruined.
2. 4:OO A.M. Friday morning, Lillian wakes up crying, "I need to go potty." I stumble into her room half asleep to aid her and Pierce mumbles, "she threw up in her bed." Surely not! Surely he is just dreaming and.. No, she did. So I clean her up and the mess up and bring her into bed with me only to have her throw up in my bed as well, because she thinks the idea of puking into a toilet or trash can is ludicrous. Yes it makes much more sense to blow chunks all over the place where you sleep!
3. At 11:00, I realize it is time to pick up Ashton, or rather almost past time to pick up Ashton from Kindergarten. I get Lillian, Max and Pierce out into the pouring rain into the van and THE VAN WON'T START! So I get everyone out of the van and call my husband to come pick up Ashton and he says that the battery has run down. He jumps it, drives around the block, and assures me it will be fine. I revamp my plans, and decide to feed the kids lunch, give them a nap, make sure Lillian can keep down her applesauce and toast, pick up Jordan at 3:00, run to the store, have the van packed and ready by the time my husband gets home. At 3:00, we get in the van and THE VAN WON'T START!!!
4. At 6:00 my husband comes home, changes the battery with the battery from HIS van, thank God it works, and we are on our way. We stop to gas up, and being the moron that I am, I step in a giant puddle of gas. Long story not so short, we show up at camp, me in the pair of swim trunks I had purchased for my husband at Wal-Mart because I forgot to pack his, because our suitcase had gone ahead with another family who had ample room in their van, and because the smell from my gasoline soaked jeans was so horrendous that no one could stand it, at 10:30 pm.

It ended up being a nice relaxing weekend, only briefly interrupted on Saturday night by a giant pukefest! Yes, both Lillian and Ashton got sick, but the good news is I finally convinced Lillian that it is okay to throw up in a trash can. That's all for now, I promise to post pictures soon.
Keithclan, 1:01 PM


You forgot to mention how your kids got your friend and their 2 yr old sick too! No, just kidding, it was still lots of fun even though we were feeling yucky, glad it was on the last day of camp that we got it!
Blogger ashli, at 11:23 PM  
hee hee . reason number 450 why i don't have that many kids!! seriously though, i would have kicked chads ASS for being that late. seriously. you deserve a medal.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:17 AM  

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