My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Thursday, May 26, 2005

You're freakin' my nuts off

This phrase was coined by our six year old. The baby was crying, and she combined "he's driving me nuts" and "he's freaking me out" to come up with this beauty.
"Come get Max, Mom. He's freakin' my nuts off."
"WHAT did you say?"
"He's freakin' my nuts off!"
"where did you hear that?"
"I just made it up."
"Well, don't say that."
"Why not?"
"because I said so."
Pierce's latest is "B-Hole". Or rather "Bee hole". That's where the Bees live. Also, Pierce likes to watch the girls play "A Series of a Fort-u-bitch events" on the "compooter". And my favorite as of late... he was soo excited that his teachers gave him a "diarrhea" so he can practice his writing over the summer.

Jordan used to wear a "reotard" to gymnastics, and once told me she was a "mini pimp".
"A WHAT?!?"
"A mini pimp. It means you look cute. That's what one of the boys at school says when he's dressed up."
"Well, it doesn't mean that, and don't say it."
"Why not?"
"Because I said so."
Keithclan, 6:50 PM


God, kids are awesome, even though I knew all of that, it still cracks me up!!!
Blogger ashli, at 12:45 AM  

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