My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Sisterhood of the poopy pants

So what do you think of the proposed name change, girls? Sadly, for many of us, the title would be fitting even if we didn't have kids. Hope to post some pics of our weekend trip, (but OBVIOUSLY not all of them) as soon as I get them from Ashli, hint hint. It was a great trip, we ate at a "fondon't"restaurant on the way there, ask Ashli about the dessert, and had fun doing, well ,a lot of nothing. At lunch on Saturday we sat around the table and snacked for well over an hour, something unimaginable with the kids. And the rest of the time was spent braiding each others hair, swapping recipes, and playing mah jong, or was it pillow fights and group showering? It's all highly classified "poopy pants" material. Because, remember WHAT HAPPENS AT THE LAKE STAYS AT THE LAKE
Keithclan, 8:58 PM
AWESOME! That was hilarious! The name totally fits us, well most of us anyways, well put! Oh, I have no idea what dessert you are speaking of?!?!? I didn't have any sort of dessert, are sure it was me?
I cant tell you just how proud I am at this moment. Imagine daughter the mascot of our group. How often will she have to recreate this look? And I have an odd question? Is it against any laws to steal food off of other peoples tables?
, at
That was me, I'm the idiot that doesnt know hoiw to use the computer and sign my own name.
, at Summer
Oh my God! That may have been the funniest post I have ever read,ever! I really wanted you to write more than that little blurb, but it made me laugh so hard. Instead of Annaliese being the mascot I think it should be you, Jamie (think Target) or at least the mom mascot!
, at Ginny
HMMMM, the hot mamas dont sound so hot anymore. I guess it has to do in part that I have the unfortunate knowledge of what the poopy pants stories really are. And sadly I have the first hand experience of my wives "situation", which includes the visual as well as the aroma (could have included the audio, but thank god for loud music) that has forever tramatized me. I definitly look at daupers differntly. Ashli can put a whole new spin, or atleast memory, on a road trip. And maybe it wouldn't hurt to carry an extra dauper on your next trip to Target. "Clean on aisle......wait bio-hazard clean up on aisle 2." So as I indicated, hot mamas not so hot when you know the truth.
, at
If you want to get the truth out of someone you get them a little liquired up. Sometimes you don't even have to try to get something, sometimes it just comes. Another of the "poopsters" seems to go nite-nite when they go. Talk about an aneurysm, this girl needs to handles and probably a kick stand when she goes. It may not hurt to give her some breathing instructions, kinda a like lamaze classes for the "difficult" times. I am only "blogging" this to get out my thoughts and feelings.....thats what blogging is for right. Anyways another hot mama bites the dust due to an unfortunate event. Thanks to her husbands confessional over a few beers, we are left with this tragic visual (a full moon over the red river). No "poop" dirt on the other three yet, but you never know.
, at
see, the problem is, Chris, that when you get a group of girls get together, they have yet another problem, a diahrea of the mouth so to speak. And we tend to talk about our husbands in depth, and girth, for that matter. So to assume that you are the only one who holds embarassing stories would be a very unfortunate mistake. For the sake of my friendship with Ashli I will bite my tongue for now, but just keep pushin' mister, and I will unleash my maraposa fury on your ass!
ok, left this message with ashli, but in case you don't know it. it's december. de-fucking-cember. update already bitch.