My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Father of the year

None of us really know what our husbands will be like when we have kids because none of us even know what WE will really be like when we have kids. Before we become parents, we throw around words like NEVER (my kids will never act that way in public, I will never say "because I said so",etc.) and ALWAYS ( I will always feed my children balanced meals, I will always be patient with my children, etc...) completely unaware that our ancestors are somewhere laughing until they pee their pants!

So, I have to feel sorry for the mother of the little girl whose husband I had this conversation with today:

ME: Did you ever find any bad spots where she cut her hair last week? (kid got hold of scissors at naptime...You know the drill)

DAD: No, but I wasn't really looking. You know, I don't really care if she cuts her hair. It actually bothers her mother how much I don't care, but I just feel like it's her hair, and she can do what she wants with it. I mean, I let my wife reprimand her, because I know it was a big deal to her, but I guess it's just not at all to me.

ME: Well, the problem with that is, what about when she decides to cut someone else's hair. I know some of the mothers, like Annaliese's mom, see how long Annalise's hair is? Some of them would care.

DAD: I guess, but if it's just her own hair....

Hey, why not let her tattoo herself at 3? It's her body, isn't it?

It's not just this one conversation that bugs me, it's everyday interactions that pile up. Like the day he got kinda mad at us for not giving her jellybeans when she asked us for some at the end of the day, even though he heard us explain to her that we were saving them for an art project that some of her friends hadn't had a chance to do yet... His response?
"okay honey, I'll make you a deal. If you don't eat a jellybean, I'll split a whole candybar with you when we get home."
I'm sorry, didn't I just make it clear that eating a jellybean wasn't an option?

Everyday, he let's her do puzzles and play with toys for at least 20-30 minutes when it's time to go, even though it is obvious that Ashli and I are trying to clean up the room and leave...

I'm done venting.
Keithclan, 8:22 PM


Is this a hint for all of us to get out of your room quickly? I see how it is.... :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:42 PM  
Not everyone to get out of our room, just those who aren't in the "in" crowd :)
Blogger Keithclan, at 4:49 PM  

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