My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

He makes a small step for humankind... I make a giant leap backwards for evolution

I wait a very long time before I consider my children "walkers" for fear of being the mom who tells everyone her kid walked at 9 months when they really took two lunging steps forward once.
But I think I can now officially say he is walking, although he still prefers to crawl a lot for speed. I'll try to get a picture or video up soon, because he is too cute!

While he progresses, I regress, although, not really, because I am a fairly consistent putz. I am always tripping, spilling, falling, that kind of thing, but yesterday I set a new personal putz record by setting my cordless phone ON FIRE while cooking dinner. I dare anyone to top that!
Keithclan, 3:45 PM


put a picture up! i want to see max!
Blogger brooke, at 11:52 PM  

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