My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
HEADLINE: Mother gives birth to twins 5 years apart!

whoever guesses correctly the names of the numbered photographs wins a free coffee at the next meeting.
DA MULE, 12:07 AM
Okay sorry Jamie but the hair gives away Max. I am gonna say
#1 max
#2 pierce
#3 max
#4 pierce
#5 pierce
#6 undetermined at this point because the pic didn't load onto my computer, I'll get back with you on this one.
, at #1 max
#2 pierce
#3 max
#4 pierce
#5 pierce
#6 undetermined at this point because the pic didn't load onto my computer, I'll get back with you on this one.
okay #6 is pierce
Do I win?
, at Ginny
Do I win?
Sorry, Ginny, no coffee for you!
#1-3 are Max and #4-6 are Pierce, It is really weird though, do i get the mocha?
#2 is not fair because the hair is covered up...still the face looks exactly like those pics of pierce, weird!
, at Ginny
Ok, Ashli beat me to it, but I agree with her answers. And, could they look any more alike? It's crazy!
, at