My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fueling the Fire

I was reading Dooce's comments on her post about CIO (crying it out), and saw how heated the discussion got. DUH!!! I just wanted to let you all know about my upcoming conference

Can't all of us mommies just get along? (The answer is NOOOO!)

Group discussion classes:

1. CIO: Divine intervention or satanic sleeping?

2. Breastfeeding your older child: Do you call it quits when your kid can spell tits?

3. The case against spanking: If it works so well, then how come the Kool-aid moustache, booger faced kids who get beat in Wal-mart always misbehave in Wal-Mart?

4. Child guided potty training: If we can send our kids to kindergarten in pull-ups, will we still wipe their bottoms in college?

5. To work or not to work? : There will be a pit for mud wrestling in this class so mommies can work it out "civil like" .

Hope you can all attend!!!
Keithclan, 7:49 AM


ok, i am totally there. but i'll have you know, i'm going to let my children scream and run around and then beat their asses. in public
Blogger brooke, at 2:11 PM  
some of those commenters seriously lost their minds toward the end. I would be so embarrassed if I were them. Um, hello? This is Dooce's site? Duke it out on your blog already.
Blogger Unknown, at 6:13 PM  
yea, I'll be at that conference, I think we should invite the following people based on the topics listed:
1)me for CIO
3)Stephanie Kohl
4)Angela Chambers
5)any/all of the hens

PS- still waiting for that picture of you with the boobs
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:00 PM  
Oh Thanks, Ginny , I almost forgot! I will be leading a discussion on the benefits of Zero Population growth! You don't want to miss that!
Blogger Keithclan, at 10:12 PM  
that's a good one and Ashli can lead the discussion on preventing the "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha syndrome"
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:18 PM  

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