My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Thursday, April 27, 2006
LET THEM EAT CAKE!!! (and let someone else clean them up)

Here are some adorable pictures of adorable babies making some messes that are cute now but in a few years will be repremandable
Keithclan, 5:16 PM
Jamie, Elena Jacobs here! I hope you don't mind, but I recently got in touch with Allison on a whim (I was being nostalgic and visited the Dwight website) and she gave me the link to your blog, so I thought I would get in touch to say hello! I would love to catch up! If you want to, you can email me at, I would love to hear from you (although I have a good idea what's going on with you these days from your blog! Congratulations, you have a beautiful family!) I live in Dallas with my husband,Stephen, and 16 month old son Simon. Talk to you soon! Elena
, at
that 3rd baby needs to be in movies, her parents must be beautiful!
, at