My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I just couldn't resist.

Putting up a few more pics of family camp, that is. I am so excited!!! This year I need the break more than ever. I am excited to have some new friends joining us, and also a little nervous. Dwight is such a sacred place to me and I want it to be that for everyone, (no pressure guys), anyway I felt the same way the first time that I brought Ashli and Chris and they love it. It is one of those places where you know that there is something greater than ourselves, call it what you may, it is undoubtedly a kind and loving entity. Anyway, that entity also has a sense of humor, and I have to go now and clean lipstick off the drunken midget and God knows what else he covered in it (God knows, and he is laughing)
Keithclan, 4:06 PM
If I get bitten by a spider, or find a tick anywhere on my body, I know who to blame!! And I will curse your sacred camp FOREVER!!