My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Medals in May

Okay so Ashli and Ginny both beat me to the punch on this one, but my kiddos are too cute not to post these. By the way Ginny, notice the ease with which Ashton ascends from the foam pit. If you would like, I am sure she could give you lessons. Anyway, most of our evening activities are over for the summer, which gives me mixed emotions. While it will be kinda nice to not have to discern the days of the week by activities, I fear the natives may grow restless. Which scares me. They outnumber me. 5 to 1!
Keithclan, 3:52 PM
LOL about the natives- although it's too true to be funny, really. We'll have to all have each other's backs. Why don't we have a hen who lives on an acreage of some kind? We all live in these boxy old homes with no room to run- we'll figure something out. -Camille
, at
Do they let the moms play in the foam pit? I wanna play in the foam pit.
Obviously Karen missed my post! Ashton may be able to gracefuly ascend from the pit, but can she talk on the phone, read emails, PAY BILLS, color with a five year old and play patty cake AT THE SAME TIME! Yea, I still got one up on her. Have fun at family camp!