My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I just have to get this ONE MORE thing off my chest and then I swear I'll be done!

Talking about the Andrea Yates thing. I promise! I will go straight back to posting pics of the kids and making poop jokes and complaining about being tired and all the other things you can't live without.

The prosecutor is claiming that her behavior proves she does not meet the guidelines for being "insane". Who was the first person she called after all? The police! Why would she call the police if she didn't know what she did was wrong? And when they arrived at the house, she was waiting there patiently for them. She was helpful and polite. Therefore, she obviously knew what she was doing, and is obviously not insane.


Did she hide their bodies? Did she point the finger at some ficticous assailant? Yes, calling the police means that she knew what she did was ILLEGAL. However it also proves that, even if she didn't feel what she did was the RIGHT thing to do, she probably did what she felt was the ONLY thing to do. I mean what is the motif? She didn't do it so she could be with some guy, she didn't stand to make any money off it, and you can't really argue that she did it because she was tired of taking care of 5 kids. She didn't leave, jet off to Bermuda, she sat there waiting for the police to arrest her and take her to jail.

I don't think anybody is asking for a parade to be given in her honor, or for Ty to come in and send her to Disneyland while he gives her an Extreme Home Makeover, with big screen TV's in every room and a jacuzzi in the backyard. All people are saying is that she should go to an in-patient mental institution, and while I haven't actually been to one (yet), I am pretty sure it's not a vacation at the spa!

Why do so many people in America think that it is letting someone off "easy" to let them get help? What is OUR motif? That "punishment" should be horrid and extremely unpleasant? Why not have torture chambers?

See, this is why I stay away from heated topics on my blog, like politics and religion. I am actually having a hard time with religion in general right now. I don't even know if I can consider myself a Christian any more, I guess it depends on your definition of a Christian. If being a Christian means that I think God sent his only son to Earth for the sole purpose of preaching "My way or the highway (to hell)", than I probably don't fit into that category. I believe love is the most important thing in life and the hardest part of life. What do most WWJD bumper stickers mean if not "what would Jesus do that I already do but you don't because I'm better than you?" It is so much easier to judge than it is to accept people and love them, faults and all, and if I'm not mistaken, that very topic is discussed at length in the Bible (something about a splinter in your neighbor's eye when you have a big stick in yours).

Hope I didn't offend anyone or at least offended everyone equally.....
Keithclan, 4:19 PM


I really don't know what you are talking about, because no one in my family has any mental health/legal problems or anything like that. But if I did know something about this issue, I would have to say that the Yates case is terrible. I always feel that whenever someone brutally murders someone else, shouldnt' there always be a questioning of their mental health? And I couldn't agree more with you about, not just locking people up, punishing them, and being done with them. What saddness.
Blogger Summer, at 9:16 PM

Something about this made me think of this article my husband sent me recently... thought you might find it thought provoking.... Elena
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:45 PM  
I love the translation that refers to the "plank" in your own eye. Good visual.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 PM  

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