My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Monday, June 05, 2006
Monday ramblings
Jordan has created a new blog and she did it without any help. She says, "mom, I figured out how to post pictures" and I thought "great, that only took me a year to figure out."
Ashton has become obsessed with Uno, really obsessed. She beats us all the time, and not because we let her, but because she is already smarter than us.
This is a picture of Lillians favorite new outfit:

Great, goth at 3. Can't wait 'til she's 15. She asked me today to sing for her "Sing twinkle stars" so I obeyed. Then she says, "sing the other twinkle song, the one with the letters" it took me a while to figure out she meant the ABCs, because they have the same tune. I realized this about 5 years ago, she figured it out at 3. She also completed the monkey bars at Mesta for the first time last week.
Pierce is learning to read. He sounds out words nonstop and gets upset if I am driving to fast for him to read the signs. He is also swimming real well in the "deep pool".
Max has been building towers 10 blocks high, and then clapping for himself before he knocks them down. He is trying very hard to remember and say all his siblings' names, but as you can imagine, that is quite a challenge.
Chad played bocce ball for the first time in a tournament last night and his team finished like 4th out of over 40. I thought he would be there a few hours, but it ended up being closer to 12. he was driven to win largely by the fact that he knew his wife and 5 kids would be waiting for him at home, and playing 6 or 7 straight games of bocce ball in a row without eating in 100 degree weather was a walk in the park in comparison. Seriously, I'm glad he went and had a good time, he encourages me to get out whenever I can and never complains.
Me? I stay up 'til 1:00 last night watching a program on TLC about a woman who gave birth to triplets, one who grew OUTSIDE HER WOMB! Her fallopian tube ruptured early in her pregnancy, and instead of it killing her and the baby, the placenta reattached to her vital organs and the baby continued to grow amongst her bowels. I'm not kidding, read it for yourself!
Ashton has become obsessed with Uno, really obsessed. She beats us all the time, and not because we let her, but because she is already smarter than us.
This is a picture of Lillians favorite new outfit:

Great, goth at 3. Can't wait 'til she's 15. She asked me today to sing for her "Sing twinkle stars" so I obeyed. Then she says, "sing the other twinkle song, the one with the letters" it took me a while to figure out she meant the ABCs, because they have the same tune. I realized this about 5 years ago, she figured it out at 3. She also completed the monkey bars at Mesta for the first time last week.
Pierce is learning to read. He sounds out words nonstop and gets upset if I am driving to fast for him to read the signs. He is also swimming real well in the "deep pool".
Max has been building towers 10 blocks high, and then clapping for himself before he knocks them down. He is trying very hard to remember and say all his siblings' names, but as you can imagine, that is quite a challenge.
Chad played bocce ball for the first time in a tournament last night and his team finished like 4th out of over 40. I thought he would be there a few hours, but it ended up being closer to 12. he was driven to win largely by the fact that he knew his wife and 5 kids would be waiting for him at home, and playing 6 or 7 straight games of bocce ball in a row without eating in 100 degree weather was a walk in the park in comparison. Seriously, I'm glad he went and had a good time, he encourages me to get out whenever I can and never complains.
Me? I stay up 'til 1:00 last night watching a program on TLC about a woman who gave birth to triplets, one who grew OUTSIDE HER WOMB! Her fallopian tube ruptured early in her pregnancy, and instead of it killing her and the baby, the placenta reattached to her vital organs and the baby continued to grow amongst her bowels. I'm not kidding, read it for yourself!
Keithclan, 5:11 PM
are you trying to make us jealous or something? It's working. Ridiculous I tell you.
Enough already about the genius children! Anna can REALLY beat us at Uno too though, so that's one up on you since she's only 5!