My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Friday, July 28, 2006
One down for the cold platter of revenge, one to go

You didn't expect that this would go unpunished, did you? I hope that Kelly has internet access at her exciting new job. By the way, Elena, my accomplice, says hi.
Be afraid, Leslie, the band pictures are coming, when you least expect it. Bwah ha ha (an evil laugh).
Keithclan, 5:17 PM
Ok. So I don't know any of you but it is so cool that you're all still in touch this many years later. We moved so much growing up that I don't have many opportunities like this. What a great thing you have.
ok. love love the new design. what did you have to do for chad to get him to do that?
Tell Chad I have a whole plate of brownies with his name on it, and we all know what skill I have just perfected!! Tell him a late night tutorial on this blog stuff is coming. Great pictures, I knew this chica when she was this age too!!! Great pictures Kelly. great new blog Jamie.
Don't forget to mail the pics back, I have gapping holes in my Dwight album! I'm probably on Kelly's hit list now...thanks! Elena
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