My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Monday, July 31, 2006
Pondering about Max
I know this may sound a little bias, but I think Max is a bit of a genius. There are the more obvious physical abilities, he can walk, run, climb, and jump well enough to keep up with his siblings and open almost any door, drawer, or cabinet. He also can open lids, including twist lids like peanut butter and toothpaste. He loves to color and play with playdough, and is very good at puzzles. He loves to "play" Connect Four, he can stick the disks in the slots and knows how to pull the lever to make them all fall out.
Although he still doesn't talk much, he understand a ton. He can perform tricks like fetching a diaper and throwing the dirty one away, finding and bringing me his shoes, and wiping his mouth and highchair tray.
He has a book with real pictures of food, animals, and household items, and he can pick out most of them and make crude sounds for the animals, say "ni ni" to the baby in his crib, "shh" to the crying baby, and yell "BAAATTHHH" at the baby in the bathtub.
Last night I asked Lillian if she wanted to color, and Max ran to the art cabinet and brought back the crayons. Coincidence, you say? I asked him to get the playdough, and it was in my hand in a matter of seconds.
I promise I am not bragging, just leading up to ask for advice:
How do I get him to use his powers for good? Because as of yet this is the best he has thought to do with them:

You have to admit, covering a stick of butter with chocolate frosting? Pure genius!
Although he still doesn't talk much, he understand a ton. He can perform tricks like fetching a diaper and throwing the dirty one away, finding and bringing me his shoes, and wiping his mouth and highchair tray.
He has a book with real pictures of food, animals, and household items, and he can pick out most of them and make crude sounds for the animals, say "ni ni" to the baby in his crib, "shh" to the crying baby, and yell "BAAATTHHH" at the baby in the bathtub.
Last night I asked Lillian if she wanted to color, and Max ran to the art cabinet and brought back the crayons. Coincidence, you say? I asked him to get the playdough, and it was in my hand in a matter of seconds.
I promise I am not bragging, just leading up to ask for advice:
How do I get him to use his powers for good? Because as of yet this is the best he has thought to do with them:

You have to admit, covering a stick of butter with chocolate frosting? Pure genius!

Keithclan, 11:07 AM
Yum- that's a great idea! I'll be in the kitchen for a minute... That's how he got that impressive man-gut! He sure looks handsome in these pics. -Camille
, at
I can't think why you would need any advice! Soon he'll be wiping his own ass, throwing it in the toilet AND flushing it. Sounds good to me. Talking is overrated anyway!
Teach him to use the microwave and your set.