My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Monday, July 17, 2006

What "Nanny Jo" needs to know...

I've recently caught a few episodes of Super Nanny due to summer reruns, and I think she has it all wrong. I agree that children need order and structure in their lives, but I disagree with her way of developing that. Here are a few reasons why:

1. I don't think she stresses independence nearly enough. She seems to think to have order, you need to be participating with your children nearly all the time. Why can't it be "now is the time when you do arts and crafts and mommy cleans" or finding a task that your child can complete independently along side you, like folding towels while you fold the rest of the laundry, or cleaning the floors or counters with a sponge while you do the dishes? Children need to learn to play with other children and by themselves as much if not more than they need to learn to play with their parents.

2.I believe quality time needs to be equally enjoyable for both parents and children. If I don't enjoy playing Barbies with my daughter and never play Barbies with her, but do enjoy coloring with her, reading to her, playing board games and doing puzzles with her, and she enjoys these things as well, I don't think she will end up in therapy because mommy never played Barbies. However if I despise playing Barbies and try to mask that to spend time with my daughter, I think that time will never be as well spent as it would be doing something that we both enjoy.

3. The food thing kills me. I can't stand that she uses "positive reinforcement" to get children to eat. Feed them. Put well balanced meals in front of them. Encourage them to try new foods by trying them yourself. Understand that there are foods you yourself can't stand, and respect that for your children. All of my kids have favorite foods and foods they don't like, and we serve them all. If I make a vegetable that someone doesn't like, I respect that and know that tomorrow we will have one that they do. Also, I think there shouldn't be snacks after dinner, or right before. Obviously, there will be special occasions, but for the most part...bad idea.

4. These moms all need one thing.. REAL support. Not some T.V. crew and know-it-all nanny who comes in and gives support (and lots of criticism) for a few weeks. They need other mothers. People who are in the same place, dealing with the same issues, WHO ACTUALLY HAVE CHILDREN! There is nothing more lonely than being isolated with your children all day, every day. That doesn't mean you are a bad parent for not enjoying the company of your children, it makes you HUMAN. Plus, kids need time with other kids, and adults, for that matter. Play dates with other mothers and their chlldren is great for everyone.

Alright, enough for now. Basically I just feel that, when moms have a little of an identity for themselves, they enjoy everything, including their children, more. Plus, the kids benefit from seeing their parents as a whole, well rounded, person. Which is what we want them to be, right?

Mom to many out.
Keithclan, 9:39 PM


I actually agree with you based on the points that you have listed. I would love for Jo to respond to these points. However, my guess is that the families that Jo goes to visit don't do anything with their kids all day long. One episode that I saw the dad left the 1 year old babies in their crib until like 10 o'clock and then put them back down for a nap around 1 and it showed them laying in the crib until like 4 o'clock. Jo doesn't need to visit your house Jamie and my guess is that these families have to be taught how to play with their kids. Don't yell at me either cause I'm agreeing with you (for the most part!)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:27 PM  
You need to back up off of Jo.:) I think that the reason she is as extreme as she is is because she gets sent into households with the most f*#@*% up people. Have you actually seen what these people do, or shall I say dont do?! I agree with you on everything though, in normal family settings. and I agree with you because I dont want you to get rid of my comments.
Blogger Summer, at 9:56 PM  
ok, see what happens when you have poor lillian for child of the month??

I am addicted to this show. nick and i are always appalled when watching it. i don't have an opinion either way. i just like to watch white trash. haha. just kidding. kind of.
Blogger brooke, at 2:09 PM  
Alright, I have to admit I have only watched a few of these shows recently, and the families I watched seemed to be relatively normal. I am sure some of the families she visits are certifiable. I still think this show is a sort of "daytime talk show" cure. You know, how Montel or Maury send kids to boot camp for a day or make the 12 year old who wants to get pregnant follow around the teenage mother for a day? It's a patch job at most. I don't think it can help much long term.
Blogger Keithclan, at 9:05 AM  

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