My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Monday, August 14, 2006
A "Grand" time
We had a really great time at the lake, even poor Lillian. I bought her a few special things before we left, including a Disney Princess matching game, that helped appease her. It was a nice change to have the only traffic sounds belong to waverunners and boats. The kids spent most of the weekend jumping off the dock and "exploring" along the shore. It was a much needed break in routine for all.

This week: The theme is school readiness with an emphasis on sleep patterns. Bed time this summer has been....Well, let's just say Ginny would not approve :) We have to get back on track if any of us are going to make it to school/work on time. I will be shooting for an 8:30 bed time for the kids with a 10:30 bed time for myself, and a rising time of 6:30. Last year the mornings were so chaotic, I'd like for everyone to start their days much calmer. Wish me luck.

This week: The theme is school readiness with an emphasis on sleep patterns. Bed time this summer has been....Well, let's just say Ginny would not approve :) We have to get back on track if any of us are going to make it to school/work on time. I will be shooting for an 8:30 bed time for the kids with a 10:30 bed time for myself, and a rising time of 6:30. Last year the mornings were so chaotic, I'd like for everyone to start their days much calmer. Wish me luck.
Keithclan, 3:46 PM
Looks like you all had a grand ole time! Give me a call and I'll fill you in on little Stella!
I was starting to worry since I haven't heard from you...did everything go ok?