My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Sunday, August 20, 2006

In case you were wondering....

There are consignment sales in Hell. One every weekend. And you have to consign at least 50 items, in addition to your housework/work/getting kids ready for first day of school/cooking.... You have to wash, iron, hang, and tag all your clothes, only to have some demon in an apron say "We can't possibly accept this. Do you see that stain? Well of couse you can't with the naked eye! But when I use this microscope? And this florescent lighting? It's clearly there, and frankly? I can't believe you would put this utter crap on your own children, let alone try to pawn it off on someone else's!" But when you go to shop at the sale, it is amazingly full of crap, with giant stains and holes, that no one used a microscope to look at.

Keithclan, 6:59 PM


Wish I was there for the shitty consignment season. Remember when we lugged all of our shit up to UCO? Those were the days.
Blogger brooke, at 9:18 PM  

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