My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Monday, August 07, 2006

Momma always says, "Boring is as boring does"

"I'm bored" in my house is usually followed by me (aka "mommy dearest") saying something like "great! The dishwasher needs emptying, there's laundry to fold and put away, I've got tons of things you can do!"

Actually, in my own defense, I usually try to give a few more reasonable options first; play a game with a sibling, read a book, draw a picture...

I hate the word "boring" coming out of my kids mouths almost as much as I hate the word "hate", especially when describing an object or activity such as "this is a boring game" or "I hate this show".

I think my kids sometimes think it's "cool" to act bored, to be above thinking some things are fun.

Unfortunately, they have friends and dreaded television to feed this.

Most of the time, they are pretty good about entertaining themselves. They are inventive and creative and I try to be patient with mess-making activities, but this summer....

Today was a very "boring" day. I allowed them to watch one Disney channel sitcom, which I've decided one a week is MORE than enough. There was great wailing and gnashing of teeth,as well as sighing and eye rolling, when I turned the tube off. They laid on the couch. They were "BORED-A". I prepared myself for battle.

Ashton perked up. "ya want me to beat you at Skip-Bo?" (being my favorite card game, it's an offer I rarely refuse, even though she really usually beats me.) One down.

Midway through our game, Jordan flopped off the couch, and headed into the office.

After beating Ashton (mom 1, Ashton 952), I came in to check on Jordan. She had invented her own board game, using a magic eight ball, some dice, some Monopoly pieces, and some domino stairs.

Sometimes, people, sometimes, WHAT YOU SAY MAY ACTUALLY GET THROUGH!! It's not all deflected by the all powerful eye rolling!! THERE IS HOPE!!

Gotta go now, blogging is so "boring-a"
Keithclan, 3:56 PM


You know, I'm not really sure that you put enough emphasis on the "uh!" part of the word "boring-a!"

You see, in our house most words end with the whiney "uh!" sound so I am quite familiar with it. I might even consider myself a linguistics expert or whatever in that particular syllable, a syllable that can be added to any word thus rendering it a plea, a cry, a word of total anguish, and also make me feel like crawling out of my burning melting skin 'o annoyance while screaming when I hear it.

With all that said, and with all due respect I think the actual spelling of the word, in your case "boring-a!", is really "booooriing-uuh!" said with an audible gasp.

In our house it's "moommeee-yah!"
Blogger Unknown, at 6:47 PM  
Point taken! I tried looking in the dictionary, I was sure the fact that every kid in the world makes these sounds, with some words more than others, like Mommy, bored, and no, that I would find some help with spelling. But alas, "ain't" is in there, "Bored-uh" ain't.
Anything I learned about phonetics in high school was lost at least 3 kids ago. Thanks for your help!
Blogger Keithclan, at 7:06 PM  
"boring" and "hate" are not allowed in my house... and it wasn't allowed in my house growing up either. My mom said the same thing, "Well, I have something for you to do!" We learned pretty fast that it was a lot better to find something to entertain ourselves rather than be put to work!
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 9:08 PM  
um, you know I was joking right?
Blogger Unknown, at 11:06 PM  
Karen, I totally know you were joking, and I laughed heartily. I was joking, too, although I really do miss my brain cells. i used to be semi-intelligent. I clepped out of Eng. Lit. in college, anyone who sarcastically said "Okay" when reading this? I put a curse on you.
Blogger Keithclan, at 9:15 AM  
God, I can remember my mom saying the exact same words to me, usually, "you're room is a pit, why don't you clean that up." Followed by me running away from her before she made me do anything. I thought I was being clever by fleeing, but now that I am a mom, it was her being clever by getting my whiny ass out the room!
Blogger ginny, at 2:27 PM  

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