My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Friday, October 06, 2006

Faded watercolor memories.....

I have been very bummed about our camera situation lately. My 35mm is in need of repair, and our digital is not very good quality. On Wednesday, we took Scabbers our guinea pig to be blessed. I forgot our camera, and was upset at how many things I have missed capturing lately.

I loved looking through our family albums as a child. I still love to look at pictures. However, some of my favorite memories exist nowhere but in my head. A smell, a sound, a tree that looks familiar, some small thing can bring one back almost as clear as the day it happened.

Does the fact that these memories are not captured on film make them less real?

You could argue that they may die with me because there is no proof of their existence, but I can tell you stories from both of my grandmothers that I can see perfectly even though they happened years before my parents were born.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but our memories are priceless.

(I will still be hitting Santa up for a new digital camera, and taking my 35mm to be fixed asap :)
Keithclan, 10:35 AM


You have been reading my mind! I am a HUGE picture taker and scrapbooker, but since we decided Peanut would be our last baby I find myself so caught up in just wanting to enjoy each moment that I forget to take pictures and have even gone days without catching a single snapshot. I beat myself up over it at times but then when I really think about it, I could either have the picture or I could have the memory and the time I actually spent with my kids playing or doing whatever instead of staging pictures of them doing it. I find myself writing a lot more about what we did instead of taking a ton of pictures.

I have a sneaky suspicion that it will all even out in the end - besides when my kids go to tell stories about the clothes I made them wear or how their hair was cut, it'll be my word against theirs! Sometimes no pictures are a good thing:)
Blogger Pam, at 1:38 PM  

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