My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I hold the Guinness world record for:

Most time spent in front of a 4 way stop sign waiting for the light to change.

Most self inflicted head injuries in exactly the same place (I remember to duck going into the girls closet, IF ONLY I could remember to duck coming out)

Most times walking into a room and forgetting what I went in there for

Person to run a bath and forget it is running the most times

Person to spend the most hours sleeping with another small person ON MY FACE! (max's new favorite sleeping position.)

I have worked hard to achieve these accomplishments, and I am very proud.

Must go, I am working on "Person to spend the largest portion of her life sweeping up the messes of toddlers". You KNOW you are jealous.....
Keithclan, 3:44 PM


totally green with envy:)

Also with you on the blogger illiterate thing - See, I don't even think I spelled illiterate correctly. I give up! - you are more then welcome to pick away at my brain. Hopefully there will be some left after fall break ends:)
Blogger Pam, at 4:25 PM  

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