My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Friday, November 17, 2006

Brief update

Thanks for making feel like I am not alone in my putzy little world. While I still win the record (I did lose my own keys in the vaccuum at the car wash, after all), there are some amateur putzes, and that gives me comfort.

Max went to the doctor yesterday; no strep, but he was tested for RSV and the flu. I haven't heard anything yet; no news is good news, right? He is feeling a little better today, and his fever is not nearly as high.

I thought I would share with you my latest letter:

Dear McDonald's,

Yesterday I noticed you had posted a condiment price sheet at the drivethru. We visit your establishment about twice a month, and usually order 3 chicken nugget happy meals. We never get "nugget sauce". At 25 cents a piece, I figure you owe me at least $200 retroactively from the past 10 years. If you could please send my reimbursement check ASAP, it would be nice to have it before Christmas.

Mom to many
Keithclan, 10:44 AM


You rock!!!

The keys in the vacum -I acutally managed to lose a car key in the drive shaft of the car. Figure that one out:)

Here's to putz's - both amateur and pro!
Blogger Pam, at 12:49 PM  
Alright, Pam, I consider you in the pro level. I would contribute our remarable putzy skills to the fact that we have both graciuosly given large quantities of brain cels to our nearly half dozen children, but to be quite honest, I can't remember a time in my life when I had an inkling of grace.

I don't even know what a drive shaft is......
Blogger Keithclan, at 4:04 PM  

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