My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I don't like confrontation

No, that's an understatement, I dread, fear, avoid at all costs, hate, LOATHE, confrontation.

I shouldn't have posted about my new job yesterday. I did so believing that I would give my notice today. Yeah, that didn't happen. When my director arrived at work, she was already uberstressed about our Christmas program tomorrow. Then one of my co-workers (who recently found out she is pregnant) had a mini nervous breakdown. So I decided not to add any stress to my directors plate today.

Why? Not telling her is adding to MY stress level. And let's be honest, the main reason I am leaving is, well, my director. I don't think she is a bad person, but she isn't a people person, which, is kinda important for her job, No? On top of that, she has shown me compassion....never. I actually make less than I did when I started 5 years ago, because she keeps raising the amount I pay for childcare (even though NONE of my children actually take up a spot that would be otherwise filled by a full paying child), she won't give anyone a raise until SHE gets a raise because SHE doesn't make enough money (and she loves to tell you that), and her motto has always been "If there is something that you don't like about your job, feel free to work someplace else." And on and on that I won't even get in to.

So why do I feel a need to make my leaving as easy on her as possible, because, quite frankly, I don't like where I work, so I am just following her suggestion.

I am ready for this part to be over, so I can focus on the exciting part: my new job! Where I will make more money! And Pierce will actually have a class to go to (with all of his friends from school) instead of being bored to tears for 2 1/2 hours every day)! Where they focus on what is best for the children! Where they want their teachers to be happy because they know that keeping good employees is important! Where they encourage parental involvement! And on, and on.....

Tomorrow, after the Christmas program is over, I will suck it up and tell her. And then I will go to the staff Christmas party. Now THAT should be something to blog about!
Keithclan, 3:26 PM


Here's the game plan - print off that letter you wrote about her a while back, remember? Then just simply give it to her.

Oh, and could you please secretly video tape that for us to enjoy later on u-tube?

I know, I know, there will be nothing but coal in my stocking this year.
Blogger Pam, at 10:46 PM  

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