My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

For only one comment today...

You can help a poor, helpless blogger. WHY CAN'T I COMMENT??? Since I became a "new blogger", I haven't figured out how to leave comments. When I sign in with my old user name and password, it says they are incorrect. When I sign in with my new password and username, it takes me to my blog. WHY? Please try not to laugh too hard at me, and please help. I don't want to ask my husband. He is always "condescending computer guy" when he explains how to do these things (love ya, honey). Anyway, I await your help.
Keithclan, 4:40 PM


Do you have the new or the old blogger? Once you sign in with the new one, if it takes you to your blog, then you can navigate back to anyone's blog and should be able to leave a comment. Weird, but once you're signed in it seems to let you go anywhere and keeps you signed in --blooger should be renamed booger... We miss you!
Blogger Pam, at 8:08 AM  

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