My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

crazy talk

Sick, sick, sick. That describes the overall health of our family. And my attitude about it. As in I am sick to death of all the sickness! I would believe it was a curse on our family, our very own plague, if I didn't know so many other families who have been hit hard this winter. And I know we haven't had the worst of it. I know several families who have had this extremely icky stomach bug that lasts for days, seems to go away, and then comes back to strike again just when you feed your kid something really gross like spaghetti. We only buy natural peanut butter, so my kids have avoided and peanut butter and salmonella sandwiches, and we haven't had strep throat once (and no ass strep, which is strep that presents itself, well I bet you can guess, like one friend's son had).

What we do have is this annoying "not the flu" virus. At first, we were ecstatic that Lillian didn't test positive for the flu. But now, on day 5 of fever, ridiculous congestion and drainage, and no appetite, I think the flu couldn't have been much worse, and at least we could have treated them with Tamiflu. And it's not just her, Ashton is sick as well. And Max just got better.

So here comes the part where I start to sound mildly disturbed. I believe the only cure for all of this is.... SPRING! Yes! Green grass rubbed across your cheek, pretty little blossoms, the sound of the wind blowing through new leaves, basking on a warm sidewalk, the first skinned knees of the new year, SPRING! I simply can't bear the teases we have had. We pulled out the capris and short sleeve shirts for the two wonderful 60+ degree days we had, only to cover them with sweaters in the days to come. I need, no we all need spring! Please come quickly, my favorite season of the year! Nurse the Keith kids back to health, lift my spirits, bring new life! That is my plea. May it be heard.

Mom to many (too many sick kids)
Keithclan, 10:22 AM


i hear you on the spring thing> i am so tired of the winter!
Blogger brooke, at 12:46 PM  
No joke! It is time for SPRING, and I mean NOW!
Blogger Heather, at 7:38 AM  
sounds like you're writing from my house! high fevers, snot, more snot, nasty coughs... and even a crazy bloody nose or two. the kids had it pretty bad. i just had the head cold stuff. fortunately i'm feeling better today... comparatively!:)
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 4:07 PM  
Nothing cures ass strep faster than good weather! Plus, whe the grass turns green, that means Family Camp can't be too far off!!!

Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 AM  
Ok, so I totally love your comments:) Runner, or non-runner, the comments can be just as bad - you're soooo right!

I wish it was easier to always be supportive and think before we speak - stupid sinful nature:)
Blogger Pam, at 3:50 PM  

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