My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I had a bad "mom" day yesterday. You guys ever have those? Where you feel like the gorillas in the zoo are better qualified to raise your kids than you are? Where you are convinced that every other mother in the world has it more together than you do? Well, I have them sometimes, and yesterday was a bad one.

It wasn't that anything in particular went that much different than normal. It was just me, my attitude, my mood.

I woke up early, made it to work on time (been having a hard time with that), and had the house pretty much picked up before I left. After work, I came home, and we walked to pick up the girls. We played at the school playground. I let Ashton bring home a friend, and then I took them to their auditions for "Bye, Bye Birdie"

I told the girls I would stay and watch them, and I really wanted to. But, of course, all 3 younger kids were with me, and while they were not horrible, they made it pretty much impossible to really watch the girls. I stayed until they were finished singing, but had to watch from the doorway.

And then I cried. Most of the way home. I started thinking how many times Lillian had said "watch this mom!" at the playground and I had to respond with "hold on, I have to get your brother." I thought about the fact that we only read to or with each kid about four times a week, how we hardly ever let them have friends stay over. I cried for all the hand-me-downs they have to wear, the fact that we never go to the library anymore, that I don't feel like doing anything when we get home in the afternoon.

"why did I think I could do this? I can't even keep plants alive! We can't even remember to put the phones back on the charger at night! Why did I ever think I could raise five people?"

I came home and made dinner. Pierce said "Are we having chili? That's okay, I just won't eat."
Max cried while I made chili. I refrained.

I got on the computer after I had fed the children who were nice enough to eat the food I had made. I looked at Classmates for the first time in probably six months. There was a message from a good friend I hadn't talked to in about three years. It said she was now a proffesor of chemistry at a local junior college, she had been divorced, remarried, and in addition to the two children from her first marriage, she had three stepsons that lived with them. (If you are counting, that makes cinco, all boys, by the way) and?! she is pregnant! With a girl. And that will make six. More than me, people! I have no friends (away from the internet) with more than three kids. Her phone number was attached. I called right away.

See? That's why I believe in God, and that's the kind of God I believe in; although at times it isn't immediately evident, I believe God is practical. He gives pratical help, practical solutions to overwhelming situations. That was just the thing I needed to make it through the evening. I know it may not make much sense, but there it is. My faith is backed up by many small "miracles" if you will. coincidences, some may say, but they are too frequent and predictable for that. Always just enough to give me perspective, hope, and faith in other people. And I thank God for remember me enough to offer the help even when I forget to ask.

Oh! And I still can't comment? Something about my e-mail not being verified? And yet I can post? Blogger, I am sorry for all the bad things I have said (my fingers were crossed). Please stop making my life difficult.

Mom to many out
Keithclan, 3:45 PM


Holy cow. I so have those days and I only have three children.

Another blog that I read pretty regularly wrote something about the exhausting job of mothering last week and she quoted a verse that I taped to my bathroom mirror. Isaiah 40:11. Don't lose heart.

And the blogger thing . . . whatever address you used to sign up with you need to go there and open the verification email they sent you. That will confirm the address and then you will be free to comment.
Blogger Unknown, at 10:15 PM  
Okay, I have those days and I only have 1 baby to take care of. I'm sorry you had such a bad day. I really hope today is better for you.
Blogger Heather, at 9:22 AM  
lol! I always forget to put the phones back too...

I've never been a mom that makes several different things for dinner. I make one thing and you either eat it or you go hungry. 9 times out of 10 they eat it. The other time is usually when I've had a bad day and they decide to say something loving like "I hate chili" when I'm making it so I just head to the couch and let them fend for themselves and then I order chinese food - but only for me and the hubs. Yeah, I'm compassionate like that:)
Blogger Pam, at 5:28 PM  

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