My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Friday, March 16, 2007
Knowing I probably stand alone on this one.
I like to keep fairly up to date on what is happening in the world, but right now, I wouldn't know if we had gone to war with Canada or if they finally found the Loch Ness monster. I haven't watched much news lately, because I can't bear to see/hear/read about Anna Nicole or Britney Spears.
I know that a certain famous blogger has written several posts expressing sympathy for poor Britney. It honestly isn't that I don't have sympathy for a mother of two small children who is going through a messy divorce, I do, it's just I don't have more sympathy for her than every other mother who has small children and is going through a messy divorce.
Yes, she is in the public eye, but every divorce is experienced in the public eye. And while tabloids and magazine articles and t.v. celeb shows can be callous and brutal, they have nothing on the gossip that goes around schools, churches, and neighborhoods. Walking into a P.T.A meeting and having whispered conversations stop and glares and smirks comense , knowing that the minute you leave the whispers will begin again, do we really think that hurts less than seeing an article in The Enquirer? I also think it is highly ironic for gossip news hosts to point out that celebrities live their lives in the public eye. The general public can't feel too bad or they wouldn't flip through every tabloid that runs an unflattering story while they wait in line at the grocery store.
It's easy to express pity for a glamorous person who is disconnected, but if Brit had wound up overweight and unkempt in a trailer park, holding little Sean Preston on her hip in his t-shirt and diaper (from Wal-Mart, not a boutique), explaining how she was "just country" and that's why she was holding her baby on her lap while she was driving, or if we were confronted with videos of her partying nightly at hole in the wall clubs, showing her womanly tidbits, we would wonder why family services hadn't come to get her kids yet. I don't think that just because she has money and a highly paid manny she should get special treatment.
As far as the "I think she is self medicating" comments as to her drinking and such, I have to ask the obvious question; Isn't that what all substance abuse is generally about?
I guess I just feel that we should take a little of our concern and focus it more towards home. Because when you hear a local news story about a mother who has died and there are numerous possibilities as to the father, chances are that baby isn't going to end up in the lap of luxury. More likely foster care, and those are the children that sincerely need our support.
Mom to Many
I know that a certain famous blogger has written several posts expressing sympathy for poor Britney. It honestly isn't that I don't have sympathy for a mother of two small children who is going through a messy divorce, I do, it's just I don't have more sympathy for her than every other mother who has small children and is going through a messy divorce.
Yes, she is in the public eye, but every divorce is experienced in the public eye. And while tabloids and magazine articles and t.v. celeb shows can be callous and brutal, they have nothing on the gossip that goes around schools, churches, and neighborhoods. Walking into a P.T.A meeting and having whispered conversations stop and glares and smirks comense , knowing that the minute you leave the whispers will begin again, do we really think that hurts less than seeing an article in The Enquirer? I also think it is highly ironic for gossip news hosts to point out that celebrities live their lives in the public eye. The general public can't feel too bad or they wouldn't flip through every tabloid that runs an unflattering story while they wait in line at the grocery store.
It's easy to express pity for a glamorous person who is disconnected, but if Brit had wound up overweight and unkempt in a trailer park, holding little Sean Preston on her hip in his t-shirt and diaper (from Wal-Mart, not a boutique), explaining how she was "just country" and that's why she was holding her baby on her lap while she was driving, or if we were confronted with videos of her partying nightly at hole in the wall clubs, showing her womanly tidbits, we would wonder why family services hadn't come to get her kids yet. I don't think that just because she has money and a highly paid manny she should get special treatment.
As far as the "I think she is self medicating" comments as to her drinking and such, I have to ask the obvious question; Isn't that what all substance abuse is generally about?
I guess I just feel that we should take a little of our concern and focus it more towards home. Because when you hear a local news story about a mother who has died and there are numerous possibilities as to the father, chances are that baby isn't going to end up in the lap of luxury. More likely foster care, and those are the children that sincerely need our support.
Mom to Many
Keithclan, 7:59 PM
Along similar lines it seems like at least once a year they do a huge thing on pregnant celebrities and how amazing they are and how fabulous they look pregnant and how they look that way right after birth too and how strong they were through labor...yada yada yada yada - and puke. It irks me because we have been there and done that and no one put us on the front of a magazine cover. Granted, my butt would have taken up the ENTIRE cover...but still.