My hamper floweth over
The Keith Family News
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
one of my many excuses for not blogging...
Yes, yet another living thing has found it's way into the Keith household. It is, however, not a permanent one. Ashton, who loves the kitty so very much, is also so very allergic. And we have no place to put a litter box. And ,.... because I said so! (I get to say that, cause I'm the momma).
We have promised the kids we will keep it until we find it a good home, which is proving to be a little harder than anticipated. The good news is that I am pretty sure this was the addition to the family that was foreseen by Lizzie.
The kitty next to our gianourmous guinea pig (in the guinea pig's defense, it is a small kitty.)

Other "why I haven't blogged" excuses :
Soccer. 4 kids playing on 3 teams= 3 to 4 games every Saturday (not to mention Monday night practices on 2 different fields and Sunday afternoon makeup games). I am not complaining, though. It's a lot of fun, the kids love it, and Max plays his own soccer game during his siblings games. He can toss the ball in the air and kick it. It's crazy! He can also dribble a basketball, and hit a ball with a bat.
(photo by Ashton)
Of course, I could blame my lack of blogging on all of the end of the year festivities; concerts, parties, field trips, or all of the spring birthday parties (we actually have one on Mother's day) but I know that is all pretty universal. Chances are, if you are reading this, you have kids, and therefore absolutely no sympathy.
I am very excited about this summer! Family camp is coming up in just a few short weeks, and although there is rumor of a bad weather jinx coming this year (just kidding, Elena, I am so excited you are coming), there are a record number of families coming from our church, and quite a few "old school" campers. It's totally worth the fourteen towels, six sets of bedding, sixteen or so pairs of shoes and such that I will be packing. Ashton will be going to week long camp for the first time, and Chad is taking the older girls to New York to see his mom. On a train! I am so excited for them! The younger kids and I will spend the week in Kansas City. That should be fun, too.
Hope you all are enjoying Spring! I leave you with an Easter pic of the kids.
Other "why I haven't blogged" excuses :
Soccer. 4 kids playing on 3 teams= 3 to 4 games every Saturday (not to mention Monday night practices on 2 different fields and Sunday afternoon makeup games). I am not complaining, though. It's a lot of fun, the kids love it, and Max plays his own soccer game during his siblings games. He can toss the ball in the air and kick it. It's crazy! He can also dribble a basketball, and hit a ball with a bat.
Of course, I could blame my lack of blogging on all of the end of the year festivities; concerts, parties, field trips, or all of the spring birthday parties (we actually have one on Mother's day) but I know that is all pretty universal. Chances are, if you are reading this, you have kids, and therefore absolutely no sympathy.
I am very excited about this summer! Family camp is coming up in just a few short weeks, and although there is rumor of a bad weather jinx coming this year (just kidding, Elena, I am so excited you are coming), there are a record number of families coming from our church, and quite a few "old school" campers. It's totally worth the fourteen towels, six sets of bedding, sixteen or so pairs of shoes and such that I will be packing. Ashton will be going to week long camp for the first time, and Chad is taking the older girls to New York to see his mom. On a train! I am so excited for them! The younger kids and I will spend the week in Kansas City. That should be fun, too.
Hope you all are enjoying Spring! I leave you with an Easter pic of the kids.

Keithclan, 7:22 PM
who is the little kid wearing the sweater vest? And where is your baby Max?
Max is smiling in a holiday picture?! I'm not sure I'm ready for that!
, at ejk
If you can find the time at all (you may be laughing at the mere suggestion) I would love some pointers on what to bring to family camp! I'm a novice! And when is check in? I'm excited, too. I'll go home at the first rain drop, promise :) Elena
, at
cute kitty. i'm the softie in our house... i'd be the one begging to keep it. :):):)
and go ahead and "steal" the apple jars! it's not all mine, anyway... i put together some of my ideas with different things i saw on the internet.;) i was happy with the outcome, though!
(and i am grateful for the end of the hectic soccer season... for a few months, at least!)
and go ahead and "steal" the apple jars! it's not all mine, anyway... i put together some of my ideas with different things i saw on the internet.;) i was happy with the outcome, though!
(and i am grateful for the end of the hectic soccer season... for a few months, at least!)
That kitten is oh so cute. I'd take it off your hands if I knew my husband wouldn't make us both sleep outside.
LOVE the picture of your kids! What is it about black and white pics that make them seem even older and bigger then they really are?
Potty training...I feel for you. Peanut is at the stage I like to call the "braxton hicks" of potty training. Really though, not much longer and neither one of us will be buying diapers anymore. Madness I tell you:)
Potty training...I feel for you. Peanut is at the stage I like to call the "braxton hicks" of potty training. Really though, not much longer and neither one of us will be buying diapers anymore. Madness I tell you:)