My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Friday, June 22, 2007


What were you doing 10 years ago?

I think I was in junior high 10 years ago? Nope, that can't be right! Geez! I'm old! 10 years ago I was an overbearing, overly worried mother of a one year old. I was probably reading some how to parenting book and taking notes. Seriously, I was a little wacko. I made a fruit juice sweetened birthday cake for her first birthday and sprinkled wheat germ in her food. She didn't have a french fry until she was over two.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
One year ago I was drowning in depression, that very unfair disease that steals away time that you can never recapture...

Five snacks you enjoy
peanut butter and bananas
chips and salsa
natural cheetos
key lime pie yogurt
seasoned triscuits (if you haven't tried them, they are amazing!)

Five songs you know all the words to
Proper cup of Coffee- Trout Fishing in America
Closer to Fine- Indigo Girls
Annie's Song-John Denver
Popular -Wicked
Under Pressure- Queen

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
Okay, I've thought about this too much, don't laugh. If we won the big lottery, we would keep 25%, and give the rest away. Seriously. I would let each kid research and choose charities (except Max, who would give it all to Thomas or the Doodlebops), and thoroughly enjoy choosing some of my own. I would also like to help some of my friends/family. I know it sounds like I am trying to convince God to let me win, but it's true. We have lived with so little that owning our own home mortgage free and having enough money to not have to worry about money would be enough for us. Plus, I would worry about our kids being too materialistic if we kept it all. That's not really an answer to the question, is it?

Five bad habits
--I bite my lips and the inside of my cheeks - totally gross (I'm really not copying, Pam, I swear! I would post one of the many candid pictures that have been taken, but I have thrown them all away in disgust and embarrassment..)
--I have a habit of giving irrelevant responses to rhetorical questions. Like when guy at the snack counter says "Enjoy your movie." And I say "Yeah. You too!"
--I will be late getting somewhere because I can't leave the house without making the beds and picking up the house first. I like to call it "cleaning for the burglars". Because if someone broke into our house it would be an embarrassment if the beds weren't made.
--Staring at people. But not really. I'm just zoning out. But it looks like I'm staring.
--Biting my nails. I know. Ridiculous.

Five things I like doing
going to the grocery store with one child
cleaning the house when I am all alone (and listening to music only I like, oooh ABBA)
watching movies with my hubby
playing board games with the kids

Five things you would never wear again
A bikini
stirrup pants
high heel shoes
tapered jeans (I don't care how in style they become)

Five favorite toys
jigsaw puzzles
logic puzzles
Nancy Drew computer games
Legos (still love em)

That was fun! Thanks, Pam! I'll tag:

Laughter Thoughts
Keithclan, 5:10 PM


Ok seriously, are you sure we're not related?? :)

This totally cracked me up and I too have way too many pictures of me biting my lip. Old habits die hard I guess.

I'm so sorry you lost all that time to depression. I lost a good year right after we moved here. I know I can't get it back but I gotta admit that I am trying like crazy to make up for it this summer. I just want my kids to have the best summer ever - now that's not too much to ask, right? :) So glad you are feeling better now!
Blogger Pam, at 9:13 PM  
i started on this, but i am moving in slo-mo these days. will work on actually getting mine posted before too long!
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 6:58 PM  
LOVE reading your blog! LOVE the pics and slides! and I'm soooo glad you're feeling better. (I really believe that "nasty-ole-depression" thing is hereditary. sorry 'bout that.)

give me a call sometime. luv u.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 AM  

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