My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yeah summer!

Tonight was our first t-ball game. Pierce and Lillian both did great, Pierce played first base and did amazing! Lillian made it home twice!

I could mention how a ridiculously rude man sat in front of us, sighing and shaking his head in annoyance that my two year old son would not sit still and quiet at an 8:00 t-ball game, and that he actually insulted me as a parent, and told a three year old child through clenched teeth not to touch him when he accidentally brushed against his shoe, and that my husband didn't defend my honor, but I won't.

Instead, i will leave you with a picture of snack time at the pool. Do you remember how good snacks tasted after an afternoon of swimming? Ahhh, hot fries and Laffy Taffy, good times!

Keithclan, 10:05 PM


the man was autistic and ultra "sensitive", what did you want me to do - knock his teeth down his throat? the man had issues.

- and i'm sorry i didnt say anything to him..
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21 PM  
oh, now that was pretty sweet - hope that was your husband that left that comment:)
Blogger Pam, at 8:02 AM  
"Hey, buddy you are way out of line." "Excuse me sir, don't speak to my wife that way." "Feel free to move, there are plenty of seats over there." "you really shouldn't come to a t-ball game if you are that easily annoyed by children." Just some suggestions for next time, honey. Shall I write them down for you, so you can carry them in your pocket? (Ilove you Chad.)
Blogger Keithclan, at 3:37 PM  

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