My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My husband

He likes to stick his finger in my mouth in the middle of a good yawn, completely ruining the moment, or tickle my underarm during a good stretch, or interrupt a good sneeze. Annoying.

He finds it amusing to chase me around the yard while carrying a particularly nasty bug, funny to hide in our closet and jump out and scare me, and downright hilarious to watch my clumsy mishaps (like hitting my head on the pew in front of me when after bending over to replace a hymnal).

He refuses to eat leftovers, except for pizza, which he insists on defiling by warming up first.


He can do this

And this

And this

And even this

And so I guess I will keep him around.
Keithclan, 2:01 PM


quadruple dittos on paragraph one!
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 3:15 PM  
yeah, he's a keeper.

Next time, bite his finger. That'll teach him:)
Blogger Pam, at 3:44 PM  
Those are beautiful drawings! He is very talented.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:51 PM  
Wow! I am so impressed! He is very talented!
Blogger MomOf4, at 4:21 PM  

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