My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The end of a wonderful journey

We had a great vacation. We got home late Tuesday night, but I'm not ready to post about it just yet. I need to reflect on the end of the marvelous journey that has come to a bittersweet end, the Harry Potter series.

I discovered the books when my oldest was in second grade. She wanted to read the books, and with so much hype surrounding them, I wanted to read them first. I was hooked immediately.

Jordan loves reading, she is a real bookworm, and up to that point I had steered her towards books from my childhood. I had tried reading some of the newer children's books and was depressed to discover that many of them were written with poor vocabularies, underdeveloped characters, and superficial stories.

I have enjoyed reading them on a personal level, but more than that, I have enjoyed witnessing the elation that they bring to my daughter. Everyone from my parents' generation remembers where they were when Kennedy was assassinated, everyone in Oklahoma City remembers where they were when the Murrow bombing occurred (I was pregnant with Jordan at the time), and our children will have faint memories of the horror and sadness surounding 9-11, and unfortunately, I am sure there will be more horrorific and tragedy incidents that will mark time.

But to remember where you were in time for a positive experience, standing in line in front of whatever bookstore or event when these amazing books were released, that's priceless.

Thank you J.K. Rowlings, for the joy, the sadness, the frustration, the magical ride you have let us all experience. No pressure, but if you could go ahead and start on a new series that my second oldest will enjoy equally, preferably set in Egypt, and possibly featuring cats, I would be forever indebted, well, more than I already am.

Thanks again,
Mom to many

Keithclan, 3:04 PM


That's it - as soon as we get back home I'm picking up the first couple of books and settling in for a good long read. I can't wait!
Blogger Pam, at 12:17 AM  
I'll second that! The Harry Potter series was wonderful. I hope she writes more, and soon! :)
Blogger MomOf4, at 4:18 PM  

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