My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Monday, August 13, 2007

Quick update

Brooke: we were allowed to file the complaint. Which means that, in two weeks, my husband and I will both have to take off work (provided I am back at work) and take Pierce with us to court, knowing that at most t he guy will pay a thousand dollar fine. Although I feel the fine is ludicrously low, I feel it is important to have a record of the attack. There is a state rep. who is trying to pass a pit bull ban, and we are sending all the information and pictures to him as well.

Elena: As far as a civil suit goes, we haven't decided yet. Of course he needs to pay (we think Pierce deserves at least several million for the promising career as an underwear model that will now never come to be) but we just don't know if it will be worth it. If the man owns his home, his homeowners insurance may cover a lawsuit, if not, well, it's the whole blood from a turnip thing. It really irks me to think that he could profit from the sale of the puppies. There is however a petition going around the neighborhood requesting his puppies be euthanized. I don't know if it will help, but it's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling that they should be.
I don't know if I've mentioned it, but this guy lives a few blocks away from our grade school.

I am having very mixed emotions. I am incredibly thankful that God was watching out for my son, which he so obviously was. I know how much worse it could have been. When I close my eyes, I am haunted not only by visions of what happened, but what could have happened as well. I felt and do feel some guilt for not being right there, but after reading other stories of attacks, I know that even if I had been outside watching, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. And if we had all been outside, and Max had been riding his scooter on the sidewalk (his favorite outdoor pass time) ...

I do feel blessed. I am incredibly grateful. I have my son, who will probably be unchanged minus the scars that will be covered by clothing. But I am also very angry. I am shocked and appalled that the laws are so lenient. Someone's hands can be categorized as lethal weapons, yet you can train dogs to be killing machines, let them loose in a neighborhood full of children with no consequence other than a small fine. Pedophiles can't live close to a school, dealing drugs near a school carries stiffer fines, but, you want to have slew a killer dogs a few blocks away from one? Nothing to stop you there. All the accounts of the attacks I have read are the same. The owners of the dogs are shocked that they would attack someone; they were always so sweet and gentle. Yeah, when most people are looking for a family pet, they immediately think pit bull. Give me a break!

Pierce is doing okay, he has had a lot of visitors, and I am incredibly touched by outreach we have received. He's goes to the doctor tomorrow, he has been running a low grade fever and is complaining of headaches. Hopefully nothing is infected. He is such an amazing kid, such a trooper.
Keithclan, 11:37 PM


I'm glad you are pursuing the prosecution of this man, and I'm SSSOOOOOOOO glad Pierce is alright.And I'm really surprised I didn't see this on the news. But I don't believe the puppies should be euthanized. Confiscated yes, put to death no.
Any dog can attack, not just Pit Bulls. There isn't a single dog that is born vicious and deadly. Their owners make them that way and that is who should pay the price, well him and the adult dogs that attacked your son. They should be euthanized and the owner should be made to pay Pierce's medical bills plus some. But please give the pups a chance at a good life. Have animal control take them and adopt them out.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:20 AM  
I am with you on the pit bulls being euthanized. I know of now 3 different attacks on people from pit bulls. People I know personally! I am so glad Pierce is continuing to do ok. I'll stop by when we move back. :)
Blogger lifeinsuburbia, at 9:04 AM  
Mm, yeah. I have no sympathy for the dogs.

Pierce has been on my mind since reading this. Imagining what he went through makes me feel sick. It's just unthinkable that anyone would imply that a child is responsible for such a vicious attack. My heart hurts for what you must feel when the scene runs through your mind.
Blogger Unknown, at 12:12 PM  
wow... i don't even know what to say... what a horrible experience! thank God that he is safe now.

it makes me so thankful that my kids are okay after a situation yesterday (a dog but not a pit)... they weren't bitten but someone else was. but i was totally ticked off at the police and security officer-- but that's a whole 'nother story.
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 1:22 PM  
I don't know whether pit bulls are naturally aggressive or whether they are raised to be, and I don't know it makes much of a difference. I am sure there are perfectly wonderful people who have them and treat them kindly and never have any problems with them, but I also know that their ability to be aggressive is what many people find appealing about them. I just don't think that there are 10 people who would be good owners would take in a puppy when they knew (as they have a right to know) that the parents had viscously attacked a boy. Unprovoked. There seem to be breeds, like chows, and pit bulls, that are less predictable, especially around children.
I am an animal lover, I do believe they deserve to be treated well, but I also believe that human rights are more important. There definitely need to be some laws changed, I don't think they need to round up every pit bull and kill it, but I do think they all need to be fixed (I've read in a few places that 90% of all fatal attacks are by dogs who are not fixed) and they don't have any place next to a grade school, or loose in a neighborhood.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:56 PM  

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