My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Stir crazy

Even without Pierce's stitches, the ridiculous heat would have had us inside this week. And it's the week before school starts, so there's a lot of nervous excitement in the air. The Keith clan has completed a 300 piece puzzle, made a menagerie out of clay, several dozen Perler bead projects, watched an obscene amount of television, played every board game we own, 100+ games of Go fish and Uno, and done so much whining and bickering that I am most certain that the tick I have developed in my right eye will never go away.

Yesterday, the girls put together a little play about Otis. They made a graph with several different dog breeds on it, like pugs,collies, poodles, and "sh*t-sues".

I thought it was funny, but then again, for the most part of the day yesterday, I also thought it was Thursday.
Keithclan, 12:58 PM


i think my kids are ready to be back in school... i've noticed a big increase in the whining and bickering and it's driving me nuts!
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 1:04 AM  

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