My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fun with captions: Centennial parade edition

I loved Lizzee's idea for the caption contest, and I think I will start having "fun with caption" posts frequently. Actually, with as busy as we have been lately, that may be all I post for a while. (You may need to click on the photos to enlarge them in order to get the full effect :)

As I am sure people who don't live in Oklahoma suspect, this is one of our favorite forms of transportation.

High five, anyone?

Is it me, or is that Mr. Hanky with a cowboy hat?

Run, Forest, Run!!!

You are ants! I squash you all!

Please feel free to leave your caption ideas, unless they are way wittier than mine.
Keithclan, 4:01 PM


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