My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Sunday, November 11, 2007

This person is just crazy.....

But the fact that I won't leave the house without the beds being made or the dishes being done? And the toys picked up off the floor? Just in case someone were to break into my house or a fire were to start while we were gone and the police and possibly news should show up? That, of course, is perfectly normal.
Keithclan, 1:17 PM


Some neuroses are good, I think. I wish I had that particular one. I only have one kid and it's all I can do to keep us living in moderatly sanitary conditions. Screw the toys on the floor! Elena
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:41 PM  
I am the same way unless I'm in a hurry for an appt or something. Then I just leave it a dump. lol
Blogger Sabrina, at 12:36 PM  
That is way too funny:) I wish I leaned a little more that way but somedays those dishes just have to stay and decorate my sink...and my counter...and maybe the stove...then there might be a coffee mug, or two on the fireplace from morning coffee...and an empty waterbottle by the door where I left it when I took my sneakers off after my run...and, well you get the point:)
Blogger Pam, at 9:55 PM  

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