My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Monday, November 05, 2007

updates and new things to worry about (as if you already didn't have enough)

Thanks for input on the last post. I am not 100% sure what I will do about my concerns. I am not opposed to my children being exposed to different beliefs. I allow them to attend different churches with their friends, as long as their services don't involve snakes or exorcisms. I don't, however, think that it is unreasonable to expect our Church Home to be a place where she is taught what our religion believes. One of the draws to the Presbyterian church for me is the room for debate. I also love the focus on more of what TO do than what NOT to do, and a focus on a loving God more than a fear of Hell. What concerns me about this website is that it seems very passive aggressive to me: while it seems to be telling it's readers to share their faith in a loving way, it is at the same time stating that "Mo the Muslim" attends a "'church' (called a mosque)" and stating that if Mo becomes a Christian his family will disown him and even plot to kill him. It also states things as a matter of fact rather than opinion in an "if you are a REAL Christian this is what you believe" kind of way. I find that dangerous. Anyway, I am done talking about it for now. After talking to the youth director, I will probably either keep her out of the class for a while or send her with much discussion at home before and after classes. Too bad it's not Ashton who's in the youth, once she saw their latest attack on Hannah Montana, she would disregard anything they had to say!

Alrighty, now on to happier topics, Yay Halloween! We had a great one! I can't post pics until I get them developed (anyone remember what that word means?) because I dropped and broke my digital camera last Tuesday. But trust me, Max's Max from The Wild Things costume was the cutest EVER! And the candy? Oohh, the candy.... Did you know they make a dark chocolate version of Twix? And have you tried a Hersey's Smores bar? Heaven, I tell you. And since my children would rather have a sucker than a chocolate bar (more on what might be wrong with them in a moment) I have eaten my weight in chocolate daily since Thursday.

Now, why would a rational human being choose a boring sucker over a delicious chocolate bar? Here is a possible explanation. READ IT!!!! Because there are many products that haven't been recalled yet that contain lead. And it really irks me that I have to worry about putting an apple in my kids' lunchbox may give them lead poisoning. Because how many years have we know that lead is unsafe? and notice that it calls attention to the inside of your diaper bag, you know, where you carry pacifiers and teethers! Ridiculous, people. No wonder taper legged pants are back in style...
Keithclan, 3:33 PM


Seriously, just read the article on Hannah Montana and really...? Seems extreme and over the top and harsh to say the LEAST. I think there are far more important issues that my pre-teen and I need to deal with then Hannah Montana.

I'm with you though - moving on - great costume, great chocolate...better grab me some now before my kids get home from school and catch me in their candy bags:)
Blogger Pam, at 3:05 PM  

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