My hamper floweth over

The Keith Family News

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rutty rut rut

I've been blogging a lot in my head lately. I have all of these things that I really want to get out of my head. I just can't seem to find the energy to actually type them out. So I'll give you the ten second versions.

1. Neither one of the stores I frequent stocks the world's best cereal. Chocolate Chex. Low sugar, great taste, but if I want to indulge in it, I have to make a special trip. Ugh.

2. I am sick with an icky cold again. No one should have to have a cold twice in one season. Ugh.

3. Jordan participated in a local production of Oklahoma Jr. last weekend. It was really good. Yay!

4. I have on short sleeves today, and I am not the least bit chilly. Double YAY!

5. I am really struggling in deciding what is the best path for my son's education. We are considering changing schools. It would be a pain to have him at a different school, but if that may be what is best for him.

6. Jordan's school is way crazy right now. An issue that has divided the parents and students down the middle Lots of drama. Too much to go into now (ten seconds, remember?), but let's just say I would be surprised to hear that some of the parents end up slugging it out.

7. Max was just now eating a plum. He walked over to me, still eating, and said "here mom, there was poop in my apple" and handed me the pit. It must have been a really good "apple".

8. LOST rocks!
Keithclan, 3:24 PM


Still laughing over the poopy apple! :)
Blogger LaughterThoughts, at 12:32 PM  
I have to admit that the "poopy apple" is really funny!

any pics of Jordan in the play?

hope you get over the 2nd cold real fast.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:11 AM  
I can't believe he thought the pit was poop, and then ate the apple surrounding it anyways! sooooo funny:)
Blogger Pam, at 3:20 PM  

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